Moderator Position Appointments

Finance and Warrant Advisory Committee. Ref: Town Charter, Section 2-1 Town Meeting. Section 2-3, sub section b. There shall be a finance and warrant advisory committee of which shall be appointed by the Moderator.

The number of members and terms of office and any other conditions of appointment or service as may be deemed necessary or desirable shall be established by by-law. Ref: General By Laws Article 1. Sectons 1.1 thru 1.4, membership, nine members, Term of Office, Three (3) for a period of three years, Three (3) for a period of two years, and Three (3) for a period of one year.

The years following annual appointments will consist of three for a term of three years one member from each precinct.

General Committees are those committees which are committees formed by the action of Town Meeting, annual or special.