Home in Sutton - A Discussion - October 2023 to present

Including Demographics, Statistics, and information about c. 40A Section 3a - Multifamily Housing Compliance
Multifamily Housing Collage

The population of the Nation, Massachusetts, and Sutton has steadily increased over time. Over the last century, many changes have also taken place including the transition away from multi-generational households; the introduction of the automobile which largely eliminated the need to live near family, work, and produce all of our needs nearby; and since the 1990s a significant reduction in housing production.These changes, and more, have resulted in a shortage of housing units.
From basic supply/demand economics: without intervention/controls, a shortage of supply results in an increase in cost.  
Additionally, although unemployment is currently very low and there are many jobs available, there is a mismatch between the jobs that are out there, like trade jobs, and the abilities and education of those who need jobs. Other jobs that are consistently available (excepting Covid) are service jobs like restaurant workers and child/elderly/disabled care givers who's wages are wholly insufficient to cover housing and other cost of living increases.
These factors affect the ability of people to obtain housing, or they are having to choose between the roof over their heads and other basics needs like clothing, food and medication.
In Sutton, the perception is that most are fortunate to never face these challenges or have not had to face them yet. However, as we began to undertake our comprehensive Housing Needs Study process in Sutton, including evaluation of our 2020 Census data, we found it is more likely that few people are talking openly about the challenges they face right here at home.  
Most young people who grew up here can't afford to buy a home here; many Sutton seniors struggle with their housing costs and maintenance but don't have an affordable option in Sutton to downsize, especially to a home with less/no maintenance; and most who come to Sutton for work cannot afford to live in the community they serve.
September 2023 -  Marks the beginning of the process of sharing data and information about Sutton housing and other demographics, and gathering your thoughts. This will include a
survey distributed to every household in Sutton.
Below is a presentation with some basic statistics and food for thought, as well as other housing related content. Please come back here often and/or reach out to the Planning Office for information!

Housing Institute Presentation 9/25/23 by Jerry Townsend - including demographic and housing statistics 

For information about c.40A §3a of the Zoning Act relative to multifamily housing requirements and what the Town of Sutton is doing in response to changes at the State level please click HERE